Google Cloud Setup

Step 1: Create a Google Cloud Project

Step 2: Go to IAM & Admin -> IAM

Step 3: Find service account, and press "Edit member" (pen button) on the right side of it

Step 4: Press "Add condition"

Step 5: Open "Condition Editor" and put the expression, filling the bucket name

(resource.type != "" && resource.type != "") ||"projects/_/buckets/<name>/") || == "projects/_/buckets/<name>"

Step 6: Press Save in both condition editor and permissions editor. Otherwise it will be canceled

Step 7: Go To Class 4 and Open the Archive Setting page

Step 8: Select Server Name

Class 4 platform select using multiple sip switch server. Each sip switch server has its own directory for storing backup data.

Step 9: Select where you want to store the data

Here is a video showing you how can obtain the Google Cloud Service Key json file:

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