DID Repository

DID Repository is the core of DID routing. It defines all the routing plan for each DID. Each record in DID repository defines how each DID is to be routes:

  • From which DID vendor the DID is to be originated from

  • What DID billing rule will be charged by the DID vendor for this DID

  • To which DID client the DID is to be terminated to

  • What DID billing rule should be charged to the DID client for this DID

The Switch Admin can add each DID routing record one by one via the user interface under DID > DID repository. Alternatively, Switch Admin can also use Import to upload multiple DIDs at the same time.

It is also possible that a DID is brought from DID vendor but it is not yet assigned to any DID client. Those DIDs that are not assigned to any DID client is considered unassigned DIDs. An unassigned DID can be searched and purchased by DID client via Client portal or Client API. If you don't want any DID to be searchable, you can turn on the "reserved" flag, then the DID will not be searchable by user via the client portal.

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