Add Additional IP to Switch


Each Class 4 UI can support multiple dnl_softswitch instance. Each dnl_softswitch can listen to one or more SIP IP:port.

In the

Step 1: Check the IP address in your server

You need to make sure the IP you want to use is available in the Linux environment where you are installing Class 4 dnl_softswitch. You can use the following command to check all IP addresses:

ip addr

Once you confirm you have the IP address in your server's networking. You can add the IP in UI:

Step 2: Go to VoIP Gateway setup page

You can click on "VoIP Gateway" on the top right menu.

Step 3: Add one ore more SIP Gateway

Each instance of dnl_softswitch is one SIP gateway. Each dnl_softswitch has a private interface for the UI to manipulate with it.

Step 4: Add one or more SIP Profile

You can expand on the SIP Profile within each SIP Gateway and add additional SIP IP to it.

Last updated