
This dnl_tool is an assistance module to the Softswitch module. It handles all the CDR and reports preparation and generation. Each softswitch instance must have one dnl_tool running together.

You need to configure the config file for dnl_tool:

cd /opt/denovo_v6/dnl_tools/conf/
vi  dnl_tools.conf

balance_unified_update should be set to false:

#The client balance unifed update featue, default is disable
balance_unified_update = true   ← change this to false

dnl_tool can auto remove CDRs and reports from DB after they are oder than certain number of days.

#Automatic clean the old data of the database, default is false
auto_clean_db = true  ← change this to false

#Enable or disable create sub-table feature, default is true
#The create sub-table sql in conf/create_table.sql
create_table = true  ← change this to false

#Enable or disable balance daily feature, default is disable
create_balance_daily = yes ← Change this to no
#Enable or disable generate balance log feature, default is disable

In the case of multiple switch instance installation, you need to make sure only one dnl tool instance has balance handling enabled. By default, it is enabled. That means you need to turn it off in all dnl_tool.conf except the one that is enabled. Here is how you disable balance handling:

#The client balance unifed update featue, default is disable
balance_unified_update = true

#Automatic clean the old data of the database, default is false
auto_clean_db = true

#Enale or disable create sub-table feature, default is true
#The create sub-table sql in conf/create_table.sql
create_table = true
#Create sub-table execute hour, default is 23
#create_table_execute_hour = 23

#Enable or disable balance daily feature, default is disable
create_balance_daily = yes
balance_daily_execute_hour = 5
using_cdr_report_table = cdr_report_detail
#Enable or disable generate balance log feature, default is disable
generate_balance_log = yes

Last updated