DeNovoLab Class 4 fusion automatically captures all PCAP and keeps it in hard disk for 7 days. You can configure the pcap capture behavior of switch by modifying the [capture] section of dnl_softswitch.conf. By default it has the following setting:
Here are the meaning of each fields and you can modify them based on your needs according:
Field Name | Description |
enable_capture | Enable switch to capture PCAP of each call. Default is "yes" |
enable_compress | Enable switch to auto compress PCAP file. Default is "yes" |
pcap_save_day | Number of days to keep pcap in disk. Default is "7" |
pcap_query_duration | The switch record pcap data in a per-minute file basis. However, it is likely that a call has long duration and its pcap may span across multiple per-minute file. This variable specify how far ahead the switch will look up for PCAP when a query to look for pcap for a specific call is requested. |
pcap_dir | This is the directory where you want pcap to be stored. By default, it is stored in {base dir}/dnl_softswitch/pcap |
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